DePaul 2D Drawing Animation Workshop

DePaul 2D Drawing Animation Workshop

What We Do

Hughes Who Technologies Studio is a not-for-profit that uses art, technology and gaming to enhance the academic, social and creative skills of at-risk youth; and prepares young adults for future employment in the gaming and interactive industries (film, video and online).


Gaming is a multi-billion dollar business surpassing the motion picture and music industries combined.

The Games market is expected to hit $180.1 billion in global revenues in 2021 (Newszoo).

Gaming has grown beyond fun and entertainment. It plays a growing role in healthcare, business training, and education.

In addition to gaming and animation, other related technologies such as Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence, are redefining how we live, learn and work.

Though Blacks and Hispanics make up 25% of the gamers market (Statista) roughly 3% of game developers.

Apostolic Church of God - Kids play-testing our VR Game

Apostolic Church of God - Kids play-testing our VR Game


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of multimedia artists and animators is projected to grow eight percent by 2026. However young people who live in under-served communities are unaware of this growing job market. For at-risk elementary and middle school students who take Hughes Who Technologies Studio STEAM workshops, they have fun learning new ways to create and collaborate, and get a glimpse at careers they may consider in the future.

For at-risk high school and college-aged youth, Hughes Who Technologies Studio offers an apprenticeship program that teaches the business of gaming, gamification and real world game development so they will be better prepared when considering post-secondary education, career options or becoming an indie game developer.